Knowledgebase: Hosted PBX > Web & Mobile Apps
Contact Center for SNAPMobile Web
Posted by Marlon Sibrian on 07 December 2021 12:35 PM

The SNAPsolution has had extensive call center capabilities available through the portal for users who manage or participate in call queues. These statistics and features are now available in SNAPmobile Web.

The functionality is on by default, and available when a user logs in with a scope of Agent or Call Center Supervisor.

This offers more freedom to choose the area in which to work, as well as saves users from switching between sites for information they may need. With the Contact Center, it is possible for an agent to complete the lion’s share of their work in SNAPmobile Web.

For Agent and Supervisor scopes, the Contact Center will appear as a new menu selection on the left. When selected, you will be presented with the My Queues, and My Stats tabs.


The general status displayed on the upper right will also control the status for all the queues.

My Queues

This displays the queues you are logged into, the number of agents assigned, and the number of people waiting. From here, you can log in and out of specific queues.

Clicking on the queue will display a card with info.

Incoming calls will identify which queue they're coming from, and when completed. This displays user stats using charts.

My Stats

This displays user stats using charts. For users who want to keep track of these stats, the plus sign can be clicked to move the card to the dashboard as well.

If you're only interested in specific charts, these can be added individually as cards to your personal desktop area.

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