Knowledgebase: Customer Billing
One Time Charges
Posted by Albert Diaz, Last modified by Albert Diaz on 06 September 2018 12:04 AM

One-time charges like labor and hardware fees can be added to a customers account. All one-time charges are added to the balance in real-time and included on the next invoice.


Apply One Time / Manual Charges

  1.        Login to the RingLogix App.
  2.        Search and Select an existing Customer.
  3.        Make sure you are in the Billing area.
  4.        Click the Charge Item button.
  5.        Complete the form details:
  6.        Quantity: count of the items being charged
  7.        Description: description of the item. Will show on reports and invoices.
  8.        Rate: the per item charge.
  9.        Discount: any % based discount you want to apply to the rate.
  10.        Click Add Another Row to input multiple charges.
  11.        Review your Total Charges amount.
  12.        Click Submit.

*Note: After a one-time charge is applied it is possible to Accept a Payment for that charge right away. For example: You sell a customer an IP Phone for $100 dollars. You can apply the one-time charge for $100 dollars now. You can then Accept a Payment for $100 by check, credit card or any other method immediately after. The next invoice will show the phone charge and payment along with the current subscriptions, usage, etc...