Billing Profiles - Invoicing Settings
Posted by Albert Diaz, Last modified by Albert Diaz on 18 August 2018 08:06 AM

A Billing Profile is a group of settings which control functions like invoice delivery, taxation, collection notifications, invoice auto pay and automatic suspension.

The Billing Profile is a required setting on every customer. It is assigned when you create the customer and can be edited on the Billing Details section of an active customer.

Billing Profile settings are global, meaning they apply to every customer using that profile. If a Billing Profile is edited the new settings will affect all customers using that profile.


How to view and edit a Billing Profile.

  1.        Login to the RingLogix App.
  2.        Click the down arrow next to your name on the top right of the browser.
  3.        Select Settings.
  4.        Click on Billing Engine in the left grey menu.
  5.        On the Billing Profile tab click the Settings icon for the profile you want to view or edit.
  6.        If making any changes, click Save. If not click Cancel/Close or the internal back button.


Fields Explained.

  • Profile Name: visible name for the profile
  • Enable Invoicing: Must be set to on to generate invoices. **Be careful to never turn this off if already on.
  • Invoice Design Template: Template used to create customer invoices. Contains your logo and other Company Info.
  • Send Invoices by Email: Controls how invoices are delivered. Default is Automatic.
  • Due Date: How many days an invoice can remain Unpaid before it is Past Due.
  • Suspend Services if Unpaid: How many days an invoice can remain Past Due before the customer is suspended.
  • Auto Collect - Enable During Invoice Generation: Invoice auto pay if the customer has a card on file.
  • Auto Collect - Enable for Overdue Invoices: Invoice auto pay re-attempt incase payment has not been received by the set days. Auto Collect Enable During Invoice Generation must be enabled for this feature to work.
  • Collection Notice - Payment Reminder: Intervals for sending payment reminders for Unpaid invoices.
  • Collection Notice - Past Due Notice: Intervals for sending past due notices for Unpaid invoices.
  • Collection Notice - Suspension Warning: Intervals for sending suspension warning notices for an Unpaid invoice.


*Note: If you need any assistance making changes to your Billing Profile or are unsure of how a setting works please contact our support department before making any adjustments. An incorrect change could produce a negative experience for your customer.




The RingLogix App is integrated with the Avalara tax engine. Because taxation has several moving parts and requires knowledge of service classification, tax codes and other settings, they are managed by trained RingLogix Staff members. In general, the Billing Profile controls if taxation is enabled or not. It then requires the use of a tax enabled invoice template and tax enabled monthly price subscriptions. If you have any additional questions about taxation, please contact our support department.

*Note: RingLogix does not provide tax research, consulting or compliance services. Tax compliance services are independently offered by many vendors including Avalara. Your RingLogix account manager can introduce to an Avalara representative to discuss their solutions if desired.



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