How to configure Auto Provisioning Overrides for Polycom devices.
The RingLogix device auto provisioning system will configure the main line appearances and several of the features supported by most devices like BLF, speed dials, feature toggles, etc...
However, some custom features or customer requirements may require settings not built into the auto provisioning system. To avoid having to manually update devices we support adding overrides to the provisioning files. Overrides can bee added on the override section of the add/edit device modal.
Below we have provided a list of common overrides that can be added.
*Please note that this list is provided as a courtesy and may differ slightly depending on the firmware version currently active on the device. Please refer to the manufactures documentation for more override examples and more detailed information on individual settings.
Some Important Notes
- When programming the device, the values must be in quotation marks and there must be no spaces in the line. This is particularly important when exporting configs from an existing device.
- If making configuration changes from the device keypad, you must be enter into Admin mode.
- Use factory default password: 456
- Use this override to set the Admin password. Then restart phone,
- device.auth.localAdminPassword="XXXX"
- device.auth.localAdminPassword.set="1"
Block SIP Scanners
To only receive calls from the same SIP server.
- voIpProt.SIP.requestValidation.1.method="source"
- voIpProt.SIP.requestValidation.1.request="INVITE"
Enable/Disable Web User Interface
**Note: Disabled by default
Enable/Disable Video
**Note: Only available on select devices
Disable PC Port
Line Key Label
**Note: Used to replace user’s extension with text
- reg.1.label="Mary Smith"
- reg.2.label="John Smith"
Stutter Dialtone for Voicemail
**Note: Disabled by default
- se.stutterOnVoiceMail="1"
Directed Call Pickup
- call.directedCallPickupString="*35"
Call Pickup Softkey – Extension
**Note: Will prompt user to enter extension. *35 star code
- softkey.2.label="Pickup"
- softkey.2.action="*35$P1N5$$Tinvite$"
- softkey.2.enable="1"
- softkey.2.use.idle="1"
- softkey.2.use.alerting="0"
- softkey.2.use.dialtone="1"
- softkey.2.use.hold="1"
- efk.efkprompt.1.status="1"
- efk.efkprompt.1.label="Pickup Extension"
- efk.efkprompt.1.userfeedback="visible"
- efk.efkprompt.1.type="numeric"
Call Pickup Softkey – Domain
**Note: Will answer automatically. *36 star code
- efk.efklist.1.mname="pudir"
- efk.efklist.1.status="1"
- efk.efklist.1.label="pudir"
- efk.efklist.1.use.idle="1"
- efk.efklist.1.use.dialtone="1"
- efk.efklist.1.use.proceeding="1"
- efk.efklist.1.use.setup="1"
- efk.efklist.1.action.string="*36"
- softkey.1.label="PckUp"
- softkey.1.action="!pudir"
- softkey.1.enable="1"
- softkey.1.use.idle="1"
- softkey.1.use.dialtone="1"
- softkey.1.use.hold="1"
Intercom Softkey
**Note: Use *50 star code to connect to desired extension.
- 2.label="Intercom"
- 2.action="*50$P1N5$$Tinvite$"
- 2.enable="1"
- 2.use.idle="1"
- 2.use.alerting="0"
- 2.use.dialtone="1"
- 2.use.hold="1"
- efkprompt.1.status="1"
- efkprompt.1.label="Intercom Extension"
- efkprompt.1.userfeedback="visible"
- efkprompt.1.type="numeric"
Intercom Softkey without Call Path
**Note: The call will be only in the LAN
- feature.enhancedFeatureKeys.enabled="1"
- softkey.1.precede="1"
- softkey.1.label="IC-Bob"
- softkey.1.use.idle="1"
- softkey.1.enable="1"
- softkey.1.action="1002$Tintercom$"
Multicast Paging
**Note: Devices can send pages to groups that have these settings
- ptt.pageMode.enable="1"
- feature.nonVolatileRingerVolume.enabled="1"
- np.normal.ringing.toneVolume.chassis="1000"
- np.normal.alert.messageWaiting.tonePattern="silent"
To receive pages
Multicast IP Address and Port **Polycom Default: Can be changed as desired
- ptt.address=""
- ptt.port="5001"
Lines Per Key
**Note: X=line number, Y=Number of lines
Distinctive Ring
**Note: Device must belong to a Department
- voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="custom4"
- voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="DepartmentName"
- se.rt.custom#.ringer="ringer2"
Ring Volume
**Note: Replace # with desire volume level
- np.normal.ringing.calls.tonePattern="ringer15"
- feature.nonVolatileRingerVolume.enabled="1"
- np.normal.ringing.toneVolume.chassis="#"
Redial Key
**Note: Replace # with desired location number.
- softkey.#.label="Redial"
- softkey.#.action="$FRedial$"
- softkey.#.enable="1"
- softkey.#.use.idle="1"
- softkey.#.use.hold="1"
- softkey.#.use.dialtone="1"
Another SIP Server
- reg.2.lineKeys="1"
- reg.2.address=" UserID "
- reg.2.label=" UserID "
- reg.2.auth.userId="UserID"
- reg.2.auth.password="Password"
- reg.2.displayName="DisplayName"
- reg.2.server.1.address="ServerAddress"
- reg.2.server.1.port="5060"
- reg.2.outboundProxy.address="ServerAddress"
- reg.2.outboundProxy.port="5060"
- device.set="1"
Disable G722 Codec
- voice.codecPref.G722="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221.16kbps="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221.24kbps="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221.32kbps="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221_C.24kbps="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221_C.32kbps="0"
- voice.codecPref.G7221_C.48kbps="0"
Call Waiting Tone
**Note: Select one of the options below.
- call.callWaiting.ring="silent"
- call.callWaiting.ring="ring"
- call.callWaiting.ring="beep"
Transfer on Conference Hang up
**Note: Use ‘1’ to Enable and ‘0’ to Disable
- call.transferOnConferenceEnd= "0"
Transfer Softkey that returns to Idle Screen
**Note: Replace # with desired number key
- softkey.#.enable="#"
- softkey.#.label="Trans"
- softkey.#.precede="#"
- softkey.#.action="$FTransfer$$FSoftkey1$"
- softkey.feature.basicCallManagement.redundant="0
Do not Disturb and Call Forward
**Note: To Disable use following codes
- voIpProt.SIP.serverFeatureControl.dnd="0"
- voIpProt.SIP.serverFeatureControl.localProcessing.dnd="0"
Hide Do NOT Disturb Softkey
- feature.enhancedFeatureKeys.enabled="1"
- softkey.feature.doNotDisturb="0"
Hide Call Forward Softkey
- softkey.feature.forward="0"
Remove Do Not Disturb Softkey and Menu Option
- feature.doNotDisturb.enable="0"
Remove Call Forward Softkey and Menu Option
- feature.forward.enable="0"
Remove Gaps and Align Softkey
- efk.softkey.alignleft="1"
Precede Override
**Note: Used to move the position of a softkey
- softkey.1.action="$FDivert$$FSelect$$FSoftKey2$"
- softkey.2.action="8500$Tinvite$$Cwaitconnect$$Cpause4$3001$Tdtmf$$Cpause4$0000$Tdtmf$"
- softkey.1.enable="1"
- softkey.2.enable="1"
- softkey.1.label="Test1"
- softkey.2.label="Test2"
- softkey.1.use.idle="1"
- softkey.2.use.idle="1"
Capture Network Traffic
**Note: Use Wireshark to open file.
- diags.pcap.enabled="1"
- diags.pcap.remote.enabled="1"
- Open Wireshark and select Capture Interface Options
- In the Manage Interfaces window, select the Remote Interfaces tab and click on Add
- Enter IP address of device
- Enter Port #
- Username: Polycom
- Password: MAC Address (no colons)
- Hit OK