How To Set Up SMS for Call Queues
Posted by Marlon Sibrian, Last modified by Daniel Diaz on 21 June 2023 11:24 AM

This allows queues to accept SMS messages where call center agents will handle the text conversation.

The hunt method for agent assignment is round robin.

Users must be of a Call Center Agent profile to be in the queue. 

Setting up SMS for a Call Queue

  1. You can manage a call queue’s SMS settings by entering the call queue edit modal or adding a completely new call queue. Here you can insert any desired keywords or automated messages that you would like the incoming SMS originator to receive or initiation or termination of the message session.


  1. Next you need to edit an SMS capable number to be treated as a Call Queue number and assign it to your chosen call queue.


  1. You can now add agents to the call queue and set their Max SMS Session count in the edit agents queue modal.


Call Center Agent Usage

  1. When an incoming message has been sent into the queue, call center agents assigned to the queue will receive a Queue Session Invite.


  1. Upon accepting, the call center agent will have ownership of the active queue message session for the duration of the conversation. In order to complete the session, the call center agent can press End or the originator can type the termination message for that call queue.
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