Mikrotik - Network Layout using Mikrotik & Firewall
Posted by , Last modified by Emy Diaz on 10 October 2018 12:23 PM

**DISCLAIMER: The implementation described in this article has several pros and cons. It will help route VoIP traffic around an existing router or firewall that is conflicting with the VoIP service. It will also provide additional support tools like remote PCAP abilities. HOWEVER, it can introduce network security vulnerabilities should access to the Mikrotik be compromised. If the local network has a dedicated UTM appliance/firewall you should NOT consider this implementation and instead work with the vendor/admin/manufacture to help alleviate any VoIP related issues you are experiencing.

The following is an illustration of a basic network setup with a Miktrotik and a Firewall. The idea is to have the Miktrotik provide QoS for the phones on a seprate network from computers and other network devices.

This is accomplished by setting static IPs on the IP phones (192.168.88.X) and use the Mikrotik as their gateway ( Computers and other network devices will receive an IP from the DHCP server or Firewall (192.168.1.X). Computers and network devices obtaining an IP from the DHCP server or Firewall will use the Firewall for their gateway (


Network Layout using Mikrotik & Firewall

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