For Asterisk setups the following needs to be done.
- Find the Asterisk version
- Modify extensions_custom.conf
- Add SIP Trunk
For this example we will be using Elastix.
Finding Asterisk Verison
Use Putty or use the Asteris-CLI
asterisk -r
core show version
asterisk -r
show version
Modify extensions_custom.conf
- Log into the PBX and go to the PBX tab
- Go to Tools
- From the left menu options click on Asterisk File Editor and find extensions_custom.conf
- Add the following text to extensions_custom.conf (depending on the Asterisk version)
Asterisk versions 1.6 or older
[from-outside-redir] ;Dialed Number routing according to SIP To: header exten => s,1,Goto(from-trunk,${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(TO),@,1),:,2):1},1)
Asterisk versions 1.8 or newer
[from-trunk] ;Dialed Number routing according to SIP To: header exten => s,1,Goto(from-trunk,${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(TO),@,1),:,2):1},1)
- Click Save
- Reload Asterisk
Add SIP Trunk
- Go to PBX Configuration
- From the left menu options click on Trunks
- From the right menu options click on Add Trunk
- Click on Add SIP Trunk
- Add the Trunk Name
- Add the Outbound Trunk Name
- Add the PEER Details - Change the ACCOUNT-ID and SIP-PASSWORD based on your acctual account information. Based on the Asterisk version use either from-outside-redir or from-trunk
Asterisk versions 1.6 or older
type=peer insecure=invite,port dtmfmode=auto context=from-outside-redir username=ACCOUNT-ID trustrpid=yes sendrpid=yes secret=SIP-PASSWORD allow=all canreinvite=no
Asterisk versions 1.8 or newer
type=peer insecure=invite,port dtmfmode=auto context=from-trunk username=ACCOUNT-ID trustrpid=yes sendrpid=yes secret=SIP-PASSWORD allow=all canreinvite=no
- Add the USER Context
- Add the USER Details
Asterisk versions 1.6 or older
type=user insecure=invite,port dtmfmode=auto context=from-outside-redir allow=all
Asterisk versions 1.8 or newer
type=user insecure=invite,port dtmfmode=auto context=from-trunk allow=all
- Add the Registration String
- Click Submit Changes