Cisco SPA112 Basic Configuration Guide
Posted by Daniel Diaz, Last modified by on 03 November 2016 06:06 PM

Find the IP address of the Cisco SPA-112.

  1. Connect an analog phone to the first FXS port.
  2. From the analog phone dial **** (four asterisks).
  3. Then press 110# to determine the IP address (the system will speak the address, EXAMPLE:


Once logged into the SPA-112 do the following to configure the phone.


Under the Voice Tab select the Line you will configure these services on.

1. Set ‘NAT Keep Alive’ to Yes

2. Enter feature code *98 for Mialbox ID

3. Enter in the host address for the Proxy.

4. Enter the Ext-Name of the Account

5. Enter the Account Service Password

6. Enter the Account ID for User ID and Auth ID. Set Use Auth ID to Yes.

7. Set Preferred Codecs to G729a

8. Set Second Preffered to G711u


Under the Network Setup select the Time Settings Sub Tab

9. Set your proper Time Zone

10. Enter




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