Knowledgebase: Hosted PBX > Auto Attendants
Add / Edit an Auto Attendant
Posted by Albert Diaz, Last modified by Albert Diaz on 06 September 2018 12:04 PM
Auto Attendants are a great way to answer inbound calls with a professional greeting. They present callers with pre-configured routing options and alleviate the need to a full time receptionist.

Some things to know.

  • Auto Attendants have an extension number. You should try to use a value within our recommended extension numbering range.
  • Although an Auto Attendant can be assign a custom Time Frame we do NOT recommend it. This is typically not necessary and can complicate routing. Most time frame management will happen at the Phone Number or within a special "routing" user.
  • Auto Attendants support 2 sound files. These are called the Intro Greeting and Menu Prompt. Most customers have their entire message in the menu prompt. However, you can split the message and use both. Intro files will play first then menu files afterwards.
  • Have your sound files ready or you can also choose to have the system call you at an extension to record your greeting. Every auto attendant also has a dedicated star code that when dialed allows you to update the greeting. This is great for customers that need to update their greetings regularly.


Create an Auto Attendant.

This requires admin or office manager access.

1. Login to the PBX as an Admin of Office Manager.

2. Go to the Auto Attendant page and click Add Attendant.

3. On the Add Attendant window enter a Name, Extension number, and select the Time Frame "default all the time". You can use a custom time frame with special care and advanced knowledge of the routing methods. 

4. Click Add  

5. Click the Speaker icon to add your sound files.

6. Click a number option 1,2,3, etc... to configure what destination or feature it will route to when pressed.

7. Click the Settings icon for advanced functions. This is normally not needed.

8. Once finished click Save

To Edit an Auto Attendant.

This requires admin or office manager access.

1. Login to the PBX as an Admin of Office Manager.

2. Go to the Auto Attendant page and click Add Attendant.

3. Click the name of the menu you want to edit.

4. Make you changes and click Save.
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