Shared Line Appearance
Posted by , Last modified by on 09 October 2019 12:59 PM

This article demonstrates how to set up Shared Line Appearance through Snapbuilder.

Shared Line Appearance is when one button on multiple phones can be set up to share the same line. The line should have an LED associated with the button to indicate the status of the corresponding line. Upon an inbound call to the "Shared Line", all the available phones associated with the "Shared Line" will be rung, and the LED for the associated button should be flashing. The call can be answered at any of the associated phones simply by pressing the button associated with that line.

Once the call is answered, the LED for the associated button will stay on continuously. Calls can be parked by pressing the button for that line, and then retrieved by pressing the "shared line" button on any of the other associated phones. When the call ends, the LED associated with the line goes off on all the phones. Outbound calls can be made by pressing the button to select one of the available "Shared Lines" (indicated by their associated LED being off), then dial the number you wish to dial.



  • Not all phones support shared line appearance.
  • SLA is supported for max 6 lines on each device.
  • One user (extension) can have many user devices (phones).
  • The same user device can only be assigned to one phone.


  1. Go to the desired user (Example. 101), then go to the phones tab.
  2. Click add phone, in the window fill in the phone suffix (Example. 101a), Click Add
    • If doing more than 2 devices continue adding devices (Example. 101b, 101c, etc...)
  1. Then create a Time Frame called Always.

  1. Go back to the User (Example. 101) and go to the Answering Rules tab
  2. Click Add Rule, for time frame choose the one created from the drop down.
  3. Next Check the boxes for Simultaneous Ring, include user's extension, and Ring all user's phones. Click Save

  4. Then go to the Phones tab
  5. Go to the desired device (Example: 102) and go into Snapbuilder.
  6. Under Line 1, switch to the option for Shared Line Appearance and add extension 102
  7. Under Line 2, choose the option for Shared Line Appearance and add extension 101a
  8. Click Save and Resync 


              Do the same for other devices.

              Once the device is rebooted and the extension is called all devices will ring that are set up in the answering rules.


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