Knowledgebase: Hosted PBX > Web & Mobile Apps
WebPhone - Progressive Web Apps (PWA). User Guide
Posted by Alejandro Hernandez, Last modified by Alejandro Hernandez on 02 April 2024 03:25 PM

WebPhone - Progressive Web Apps (PWA). User Guide.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web-based apps that share many of the same features as a mobile native app. PWAs allow for an improved user experience and additional functionality for users, better brand visibility, improved push notifications, and more; all without having to develop a dedicated native app. This is achieved through the use of service workers, manifests, and other web-platform features in combination with progressive enhancement.

The WebPhone, when installed as a progressive web app, will appear in the list of applications, alongside other installed apps. This allows for easy access to the WebPhone. The app can also be pinned to the task bar for easy access and can be set to launch on sign-in.

Opening the SNAP.GO Webphone

Login to your Ringlogix Portal. And click on the Hosted PBX Tab.

Next, click on the PBX Dashboard Button:

Once in your account, go to the top right corner and click on SNAP.GO Webphone to open the webphone so we can start with the installation process. 


Install Process

PWAs can be installed similarly to a native app, making SNAP.GO Webphone appear in the list of applications. It is able to have a place on the home screen and is available in the Finder/Windows Explorer. 

  1. Once the SNAP.GO Webphone has been opened, click on the download button highlighted in red as shown in the image below.



  1. Click on the install option as shown below.





  1. In order to have a better visibility of the WPA and the notification on the phone app, select ‘Yes’ to the option shown in the popup in the image below. This will pin the Phone App to the taskbar.

          This will dock the app to the taskbar and show the SNAP.GO Webphone as a regular app.



  1. The App now will show you the notifications as the SNAP.Go Webphone would:



App Settings

  1. Click the three vertical dot (kebab) menu button in the top right corner of the PWA window and click on "app info". 

  2. This presents the following dialog with quick app settings; for the full list of settings, click on "Settings". 

  3. This will open a new modal with additional settings, including the ability for PWA to start "when you sign in" to the device. 


Run on Login

This is an optional feature and is not required to start using the PWA. Run on login means the app is opened when the user logs into their computer. Many apps have this functionality; when used, it saves the user time from locating and starting an app they use every day. 


  • Chrome 91 or Edge 91 or later, on Windows, Linux, or MacOS

  • PWA must be fully configured first.


  1. Open Chrome and navigate here in the address bar: chrome://apps/ 





  1. Right-click on the configured Progressive Web App and select "launch at startup". 

  2. For more information about this feature, refer to Chrome Developer's article, "Automatically start PWAs on OS Login".


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