10DLC - Create a Brand
Posted by Albert Diaz, Last modified by Albert Diaz on 08 June 2024 02:26 AM
Related Guides: TCR Brand Requirements Guide, 10DLC Brand Vertical Types

Note: Each Customer must have their own Brand for 10DLC messaging. You may not share brands across customers. Customers who provide or perform messaging services on behalf of other customers (i.e. call centers, answering services, etc...) must register a Brand for each customer they message on behalf of.

1. Open a customer and click the 10DLC service icon.

2. Click Activate or Add New as applies.

3. Begin by selecting the Type of Legal Form. This is important as it will determine the rest of the fields. Below are some primary company types and the required fields.

4. Based on your selection, complete the open contact fields.
     a. For the Vertical Type select the option that best matches the customer.
     b. Ensure all data is complete and accurate or you increase the odds of not passing verification.

5. On the Brand Relationship field selecting the option that best matches your relationship with the customer. In most cases this is one of the middle options.

6. For the Brand Contact details, ensure you are entering the brands contact info. DO NOT INPUT YOUR CONTACT INFO. The TCR may contact the customer to confirm their brand registration as part of the verification process.

7. Click Submit.

Once the brand is submitted it will begin the verification process.

AFTER the brand is verified, you can begin to submit a campaign for that brand.

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