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Knowledgebase: 10DLC - TCR Messaging Compliance
5. Create a Campaign
Posted by Albert Diaz, Last modified by Christina Armesto on 18 December 2024 11:21 AM
Related Guides: 10DLC Campaign Registration Guide, 10DLC Campaign Vetting Tips & TricksNote: In order to create a Campaign the customer must already have a Verified Brand. Please complete that step prior to proceeding. ![]() 1. Open a customer and click the 10DLC service icon. 2. Select the Campaign tab and click the Add New Campaign button. 3. Begin by selecting the brand this campaign for. 4. Next select the applicable use cases. You may select up to 5 use cases per campaign. This limitation is implemented by The Campaign Registry ("TCR") and not in RingLogix's control. If you have more than 5 use cases you will need to register multiple campaigns and assigns unique numbers to each campaign. 5. The Carrier Terms Preview are strictly informational and dictate the messaging terms implemented by mobile carriers. 6. In the Campaign Details and Sample Messages sections, the TCR is requesting specifics on how the campaign will be used along with some sample messages of what may be sent. It's important that the customer provide this information to you as accurately as possible to improve the Campaign approval process. These must be unique and relevant to the clients use case. 7. Select Yes or No for the Age Gated Content and Loan sections. 8. Confirm that the campaign will not be used for Affiliate Marketing. 9. Assign a subscription to bill the customer for the campaign. | |