3CX Configuration Guide
Posted by , Last modified by Daniel Diaz on 08 February 2023 01:46 PM

RingLogix is proud to be part of a select group of Providers that have been officially tested and certified by 3CX.

Note: Before trying to configure your 3CX phone system please make sure you have already created a customer and activated a SIP Trunk service. Also make sure to retrieve the needed SIP trunk details like the registration username and password.

Disclaimer: While RingLogix and 3CX have completed the official interop together and both companies are dedicated to serving its partners, RingLogix does not manage or maintain 3rd party systems. The administrator of any 3rd party system MUST be trained on that system and is fully responsible for the setup and maintenance of such systems including all hardware and network configurations, 3rd party features like extension management or certain system configurations not directly related to the SIP Trunk service. RingLogix may from time to time be able to offer such labor services on a project basis. Please contact support for more information.

Interop Test Details

How to Configure your 3CX/RingLogix SIP Trunk

Full updated instructions can be found on the 3CX website.

System Preparation

Before configuring the SIP trunk it is required to go through the following checklist and make changes where necessary:

Further setup information can be found in our Academy: 3CX Academy Basic Course

3CX Version

Some providers gained support and compatibility with 3CX on a specific product version. It is advisable to always run the latest version of 3CX to ensure ongoing compatibility.

Minimum 3CX Version: 3CX Phone System 16.0

Provider Capabilities

Below is a short overview of the provider's capabilities and services and whether they’re supported or not:

  • CLNS (Clip No Screening): Yes
  • Catch All Routing: Yes
  • Fax in T38: Yes
  • CLIR (Number Suppression): Yes
  • DTMF via RFC 2833: Yes
  • Outbound Codec Order: G711U, G711A, G722, G729
  • NAT Support: Yes

Configuring the Trunk with 3CX

The general instructions outlining how to add a new SIP Trunk to your 3CX installation can be found here.

Adding the Trunk

Go to “SIP Trunks” and select “Add SIP Trunk”

  • Select Country: US
  • Select Provider in your Country: RingLogix
  • Main trunk number: This will have been provided to you by RingLogix. You must enter the number in the national number format (e.g. 987654321)
  • Press OK

Under the “General” tab in the “Authentication” section, enter your Authentication ID and Password as well as the registrar address (these will be supplied to you by RingLogix).

RingLogix - SIP Trunk Details and Authentication

Adding Additional DIDs

To associate all other DIDs/Numbers you have in your RingLogix account with 3CX, go to the Management Console → SIP Trunks, double-click on your RingLogix Trunk and go to the “DIDs” tab

Here you should already see 1 entry; that is the Main Trunk number you have set. Add all other DIDs/Numbers you have to the list in the national number format (e.g. 987654321) and press OK.

Creating Inbound Rules

Now that you have associated all your DIDs/Numbers with your SIP Trunk in 3CX, you can create Inbound Rules to set where calls will be routed when those numbers are called. Instructions on how to create Inbound Rules can be found here.

Number Format


When configuring RingLogix SIP Trunks in 3CX, all numbers should be entered in the national number format (e.g. 987654321), otherwise call routing will fail.

Outbound Caller ID

RingLogix trunks support Clip No Screening which means you can present any number that is assigned to the Trunk as the Outbound Caller ID.

Outbound Rules

When configuring your Outbound Rules, numbers can be dialed in all valid number formats. More information about how to create Outbound Rules and how they work can be found here.

 LEGACY-ONLY-3ng-3cx-configuration-guide.pdf (675.47 KB)
 3CX SIP Trunk Configuration Guide.pdf (529.90 KB)
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